God used my own words to speak to me this week! I went on Facebook after several days of not going on and the first thing I see is my name in someone’s update and as I read it, the tears just flowed. I’m not even home and yet God is using me and something I said to profoundly change someone for His glory!
“God is so faithful. An awesome friend of mine Miranda Smith said, “The gifts God gives to you are endless and greater then you could ever imagine. Once you start living life to glorify Him.” I never knew how she felt, or exactly what she meant, how it was possible, or if I was even capable of doing it. I wasn’t doing it… Until now, and I have to say, she is so right and it feels unlike anything I've ever had.”
Trust me, I am not saying, good for me or trying to toot my own horn, this is all glory to God! I don’t even remember saying this, but I know it’s true. Living life for God is SO much better than living for yourself. Sometimes I wonder why I am the way I am or why certain circumstances are the way they are. Like what is my purpose here? God are you even using me? And sometimes long periods of time go by and nothing happens. But then something changes, something clicks and everything I had to go through makes sense, all that dry space of wondering if you’re living in God’s will and then WHAM! It all comes together, I see the pieces of His puzzle that He’s been laying out. Never forget that we can only see what’s in front of us, He sees the whole picture! Just being honest and joyful in the Lord, wondering if anyone’s listening, and most times not even caring I realize I make a difference, and the words I say are heard. God is my strength, I’m His mouthpiece and no matter where I am, no matter how I feel, I’m home. The spirit of the living God lives in me and I wouldn’t change that for anything. His presence, His joy, His everlasting eternal love is greater, stronger, and more beautiful than any thing any person, any amount of money, any relationship I will ever experience. HE IS SO DARN GOOD! And I get eternity with Him!
I am so off topic with what I came on here to say, but this is better. God is so faithful, and when you get to experience that as fact and not just theory… it’s even better.
Cling to Him, draw close, ask Him questions, demand answers, tell Him you love Him, and most importantly let Him into your heart and mind that He might dwell within you, speak to you and be your love for the rest of your life and forever after. He’s the prince charming we are always searching for, He’s true love. He IS love.
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